Vannes, National French Magicians Congress (FFAP)

September 2009

The 2009th National FFAP’s Congress (former AFAP, the French National Magic Federation) is held in the very nice historical city of Vannes, in the Bretagne region of France.

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Cover of the congress program

The Palais des Arts, recently remodeled, is perfect for that congress; the organizing committee has done a very good job and is putting everything in a good mood. The weather is superb and sunny. Who says that it is always raining in the Bretagne?

An excellent magic exhibition with invaluable documents has been already presented to the general public before the congress. Stefane Laurens is the main organizer of that exhibition.

As usual, when we are booked to appear in the main stage show of a magic congress, we are very busy to prepare our work. So we have, unfortunately, to miss quite a lot of the activities offered to the participants. Nevertheless we have many cheerful meetings with friends and colleagues of long standing.

see more below

Michelle among the congress participants – picture X

Once more, Omar Pasha teaches us a real magic lesson, when performing his international black art act. And it is still fresh after 34 years. Historically, the name Omar Pasha was created in 1960 by Willy Berscheid and the act is brilliantly maintained since 1975 by the Ostrowsky family. A nice filiation and longevity story.

The magician adopts the context of the Thousand and One Nights tales to call our collective unconscious into being, while playing with this exotic ambience.  Technically perfect and aesthetically strong, this timeless act continues to bewitch audiences all over the world. To the sound of Ravel’s Bolero, other-worldly substance takes over from every day reality, and the poetry begins. Simply said, one of the best visual acts the world over. Bravo to Ernest Ostrowsky who perpetuates the Black Art tradition so brilliantly.

Magical art’s documentation on : (October 2009)