March 2001 to April 2002
Summary : The show / The Gold Coast / Brisbane, capital city of the Queensland state / Australia 2001/2002
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Cover of the program
The show : 15 years later, we find ourselves again in the same theatre. We even have the same dressing room. The showroom is transformed : still with tiers but no more tables, only rows of seats like in a classical theatre. That allows more than 1100 seats and, in our opinion, the audience is in a much better condition to watch the show.
There is an effective backstage team and a reliable and friendly direction. The cast is young and dynamic.
The show is produced by Nina Randall & Adam Dion and by the Jupiters Casino. Hidden Palace takes the audience into an ancient Egypt of extravagance, with 38 artists and 3 camels : one ballet, 2 singers, visual acts, plus a sphinx, some pyramids, temple’s columns and sarcophagus.
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Louis and Ernest in the finale costumes – picture Jupiters Casino
The show is happy and lively. The audience (tourists as well as local people) adores it and shows its enthusiasm. Hidden Palace beats all booking records at the Jupiters Theatre. The show lasts 13 months with a constant success.
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Part of the cast as seen in the program, with the General Manager Grant Bowie – picture Jupiters Casino
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Omar Pasha in the program
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With Nina Randall & Adam Dion, producers of “Hidden Palace”. picture X
The Gold Coast : The Australians on holidays and the foreign visitors, mainly Asian people, like to stay in the huge tower apartments. In the narrow plain between the Pacific Ocean and the Australian Cordillera, these crazy buildings on the sand are quite in a contradiction with nature.
Walks along the beach are pleasant, despite of the towers’ shade during the afternoons. The surfers have the greatest fun with the huge waves.
Excursions also in the Hinterland, on the hills and mountains covered with tropical rain forests or at the numerous amusement’s parks.
Brisbane, capital city of the Queensland state : We also like to go to this large tropical city on both sides of the Brisbane River. The River winds and makes the traffic difficult. Nice walks in town : the City and its business towers, residential areas with well renovated wooden houses in a colonial style, many of them being on piles.
In the town centre, the river banks are converted in a modern way : metallic arches marks out a pedestrian way, with climbing plants along the thin poles becoming soon a greenery lancet arch. A lawn, artificial sand beaches with swimming ponds provide a fresh oasis to families for Sunday swims and picnics.
The botanical garden presents extraordinary banyans (Indian fig trees). Their aerial roots replant themselves and form trees with huge and multiple trunks. Many of those trees are also growing in town and in the Australian forests.
We have a nomadic spirit about culture and we try to see all possible shows, exhibitions, and so on. The Queensland Art Gallery is very interesting, both for its permanent collections of Australian Art and for its temporary exhibitions, like the one we have seen : From Renoir to Picasso, the Guillaume-Walter donation to the French state.
The Power House, previously a power station, presents all sorts of shows, contemporary researches, creations and is the headquarters of the Women’s Circus. We have seen different contemporary dance shows and video shows. Some good, some disappointing.
Also : the Cirque du Soleil, “Alegria” on tour. It makes a very good business. In many countries, the Cirque du Soleil has helped to bring people back to watch circus shows.
Australia 2001/2002 : Since our first engagements in Australia, the country has both changed and remained the same.
Same attitude stamped with cordiality and gentleness, in a large and modern country with a low population density. Life quality is generally preserved. Fruits, vegetables, meat are globally of a good quality. Produces proudly made in Australia are excellent. Wine is still good. Cheese is better and more varied. Multiculturalism is largely responsible for those improvements.
Australia was a country mainly populated with people of European origin. Nowadays, one can notice that the geographical reality has put this country on the fringe of Asia. Many Australian citizens are today from an Asian origin.
The country protects itself from those coming from outside. Australia seems to prefer to choose its immigrants.
Areas like the Gold Coast are privileged and protected from society problems happening in the big cities.
Altogether, we have spent more than 2 years working in Australia.
Nota Bene : the Aboriginal people? Very difficult to speak about them. We did not meet any. The question is too wide and complex to be approached here.