Berlin, Opening program of the Wintergarten Varieté Theater

September 1992 to February 1993

The opening show of  the “Wintergarten” was an event in the variety business. The good mood of the artists – and of the audience – was great.

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Program’s front cover

This exceptional show, produced by Peter Schwenkow and Thomas Schütte, directed by André Heller and Bernhardt Paul was composed of :

Carasini, cigarettes’ conjurer with smoke appearances

The Clark Brothers, tap-dancers, musicians and singers duo,          

Jack ’n’ Jazz, comedy magicians,                

Jeanette, whistler : the Baroness Jeanette Lips Von Lipstrill,      

Jan Mattheis, ventriloquist,                

Tom Noddy, bubble magic,          

Omar Pasha, black art magic,     

Jelly Rolls, ladies’ comedy tap dancers,           

Peter Shub, clown, alternately with Eisi Gulp and David Shiner,      

Sophie & Virgile, balancing and acrobatic act, alternately with The Castors foot jugglers and icarists. 

The show, planned for 3 months, had such a success that it was extended for two more months. 

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In the program

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Also in the program

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Picture of the finale published in the Berliner Zeitung