Quebec, The Lido of Paris

December 1995

It is a great experience to work with the famous “Lido”, the greatest Cabaret and Revue in Paris. The stage arrangements in Paris had never so far allowed us to work there. So, it is a great pleasure to be in that production. Nice colleagues and very professional French and Canadian backstage crew. Great audiences.

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Québec théâtre déc 1995 2_modifié-1_modifié-2

The Capitole Theater , Quebec city 

Much snow (mountains of it, I should say), very cold and windy weather. The audiences arrive at the theatre with snow boots and swap them to the elegant shoes they were carrying in a bag.

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Quebec city press

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The famous Quebec city Chateau Champlain Hotel

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Michelle and Ernest, with the iced Saint Laurent river in the background

The magic act amazes greatly the audience. For me, the best moment of the evening.

Le Journal de Quebec