
Hamburg, Hansa Varieté Theater

Summary : The show – The refugees – Everyday life in Hamburg – A nice meeting The show : How to speak about “la vie d’artiste” (the artist’s life) without recalling so many famous music-hall, circus and variety artists who have performed here before us. It is necessary to mention the Hansa Theater as one […]

Hamburg, Lufthansa Technik, World Event

A corporate show for the worldwide technical managers of the Lufthansa airline company. It is a special evening held in an historic warehouse of the harbour. We perform the Omar Pasha act and a special effect : a flying carpet followed by the magic appearance of a Lufthansa director.

Hamburg, “Zauber Zauber” magic tour

The first “Zauber Zauber” shows were performed in Berlin and Mannheim, Germany, in 1986. Such was its success, that the producers Peter Schwenkow and Thomas Schütte, decided to renew the show with a German tour the following year. This became a six cities tour over five months, in Frankfurt am Main, Münich, Essen, Hamburg, Stuttgart […]